Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Depression and why we need to talk about it

I've been hearing about a lot of my friends having a tough time lately. And i've been having a tough time too. I think mine has been accentuated by stress and a lot of physical pain lately(which i think is largely due to stress), but it seems like a lot of us are going through a rough patch. And one of these friends mentioned something i said before about depression - we need to talk about this. This blog is a place for me to get out my thoughts, but it's not just about that. It's about the fact that when you talk about depression...nobody wants to listen. It's a downer. It's not fun. It's seen as a phase, something you can get over, something that's your problem, something that's wrong with you. Some people have the audacity to call it weakness. But i was pointed to an article, and that article linked to this heart wrenching video.

This. This is why i started this blog.

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